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Response Target Indicators
Response Target Indicators

Organizations: HackerOne metrics & indicators for program success criteria

Updated over 2 months ago

Average Response Efficiency Metrics

HackerOne displays a program's average response efficiency metrics on the security page to enable hackers to see how responsive your program is about:

  • giving a first response

  • paying out a bounty

  • resolving a vulnerability

The average times are calculated on a rolling 3-month basis, and you can configure which metrics to display in Program Settings > Customizations > Metrics Display.

Indicator Details

The Program Highlights section and right sidebar will also display the program's response efficiency as a percentage.

How are the percentages calculated?

  • Response efficiency shows the percentage of reports from the past 90 days that met their targets for time to first response and time to triage. It’s calculated as 100% minus the percentage of reports that missed these targets.

  • If a report violated response standards at some point during the last 90 days but no longer violates the standards, it still counts toward the # of reports that didn't meet response standards.

  • A single report can violate both the response standards for Time to First Response and Time to Triage, but each report can only count once as a report that didn't meet the response standards.

A colored indicator accompanies the percentage of reports that meet response standards. Below are the indicator types and criteria:

Indicator Type



≥ 75% of reports meet response standards


< 75% and ≥ 25% of reports meet response standards


< 25% of reports meet response standards

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