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Statistics Dashboard

Organizations: View overall statistics for your program

Updated over a week ago

The Statistics page enables you to view overall statistics for your organization. Select a time period to view the following statistics:

  • Submissions

    • Reports submitted

    • Reports triaged

    • Reports closed as resolved

    • Reports rewarded

  • Submissions by severity

  • Hacker engagement

    • Hackers with submissions

    • Hackers thanked

  • Rewards

    • Total rewards

    • Average reward

    • Median reward

  • Retests

    • Total retests

    • Fixed

    • Not fixed

  • Time to first response

    • Reports that missed target

    • Average time to first response

    • Median time to first response

  • Time to triage

    • Reports that missed target

    • Average time to triage

    • Median time to triage

  • Time to resolution

    • Reports that missed target

    • Average time to close

    • Median time to first response

  • Time to bounty

    • Reports that missed target

    • Average time to bounty

    • Median time to bounty

  • Invitations

    • Total invitations

    • Accepted

    • Rejected

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