CVE & CWE Discovery helps you discover trends in common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and common weakness enumerations (CWEs). By better understanding the vulnerability landscape of our customers, you can focus your research efforts on existing threats that are still being exploited.
To start using this feature:
Go to Hacktivity
βSelect either the CVE Discovery or CWE Discovery tab
Use the search bar to filter results
Click on an item in the table to drill down into CVE or CWE details
Use Cases
Explore Trending Vulnerabilities
With the Discovery Search feature, you can search across identifiers, products, vendors, and descriptions to pinpoint the most relevant vulnerabilities to focus your research efforts.
Identify Related Reports
With the Related Reports feature on the CWE Details panel, you can explore publicly disclosed reports related to that CWE for an even deeper dive into how these weaknesses are being actively exploited.
Prioritize Threats
With the H1 Rank for CVEs, you can see which vulnerabilities we believe have the highest impact. You can also gain further insight into the number of reports, the severity, and the remediation time for related reports by drilling down into the CVE Details or CWE Details panels.
The H1 Rank is based on both the number of hacker reports with valid proof of concept (PoC) exploits for HackerOne customers and the recency of these reports. It is calculated by aggregating the scores of its related submissions. Newer reports receive higher scores that decrease over time, with reports older than 12 weeks receiving the minimum score.