Variable | Details |
| The name of the asset related to the report. |
| The user that's assigned to the report. |
| CVSS Attack Complexity. Low (L) or High (H) |
| CVSS Attack Vector. Network (N), Adjacent (A), Local (L) or Physical (P) |
| CVSS Availability. None (N), Low (L) or High (H) |
| CVSS Calculation method. Manual, CVSS:3.0 or CVSS:3.1 |
| CVSS Confidentiality. None (N), Low (L) or High (H) |
| CVSS Integrity. None (N), Low (L) or High (H) |
| CVSS Privileges Required. None (N), Low (L) or High (H) |
| CVSS Scope. Changed (C) or Unchanged (U) |
| CVSS User Interaction. None(N) or Required (R) |
| The CVSS severity score of the report. |
| The CVSS vector string of the report. |
CWE | External CWE IDId, for instance, CWE-444 |
| Provides a date based on the report creation date and the provided argument. |
| The link, date, reporter, weakness, comments and description of the vulnerability in the report. These are written in a markdown format customized for Jira. |
| The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report. These are written in a markdown format customized for Jira. |
| The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in markdown format. |
| The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in plain text format. These details are truncated at 4,000 characters. |
| The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in plain text format. |
| Provides a date in the future based on the provided argument. Example: |
| The local part of the email address of the user creating the Jira issue. Note: The local part of an email address is the part before the @ symbol. |
| The email address of the user creating the Jira issue. |
| The date and time of when the report was escalated to Jira. |
| The severity of the report in Jira mapping. |
| The customized remediation advice from MITRE. This will fall back to the automated remediation advice if there is no guidance from MITRE. |
| The ID of the report. |
| The URL of the report. |
| The URL of the hacker's HackerOne profile. |
| The name of the hacker that reported the vulnerability. This will fall back to the username if the hacker didn't provide their name. |
| The username of the hacker that reported the vulnerability. |
| The severity rating of the report. Possible values: |
| The capitalized severity rating of the report. Possible values: |
| The date the report was created in |
| The date the report was created in |
| The date the report was created in |
| The title of the report. |
| The triage summary on a report. (Only for programs with triage) |
| The triage summary on a report. These are written in a markdown format customized for Jira. (Only for programs with triage) |
| The description of the vulnerability in the report. |
| The CWE weakness of the report. |