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Hacker Reviews

Organizations: Highlight a key behavior that allows HackerOne to award or assist the hacker accordingly

Updated over 2 months ago

With hacker reviews, you can send comments on hacker behavior to HackerOne and the hacker after closing a report. The reviews also enable the reviewer to highlight a key behavior that allows HackerOne to award or assist the hacker accordingly. Positive reviews can be added to the hacker’s profile page as a testimonial.

When giving a review, you can:

  • Choose whether to provide a positive or negative rating for the hacker.

  • Select 1 of 4 preselected areas where the hacker excelled.

  • Provide feedback to hackers and HackerOne about hacker behavior.

Enable Hacker Reviews

Hacker reviews are available for any program member with the reward report permission.

How Reviews Work

To give a hacker review:

  1. Close the report and mark it as resolved.

  2. A banner at the top of the page will prompt you to write a hacker review:

  3. Choose whether you’ve had a positive or a negative experience with the hacker. Also, fill out which behavior stood out the most. Provide private feedback to the hacker, and (optionally) leave public feedback that will be shown on the hacker profile:

Hacker feedback screen

Regardless of whether the review is positive or negative, the hacker will receive an email with the contents of the review.

email to hacker with review

When the review is positive, the optional Public feedback section will be published as a testimonial on the hacker's profile page, which serves as an opportunity to tell the world about just how awesome the hacker is.

Testimonials section

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