The Submissions Dashboard shows metrics on hacker report submissions. Data is calculated based on the date the report was submitted. To learn more about the features and functionality available on all dashboards, see the Dashboards documentation.
To find the Submissions Dashboard, click Analytics in the left navigation, then click Submissions.
Shows the number of submissions during the selected time period, the number of submissions during the same timeframe of the previous year, and a benchmark (the median of all HackerOne customer submissions).
Submissions by Number of Collaborators
Shows how many reports were submitted by individual hackers versus multiple hackers collaborating. In conjunction with the Collaborators table, it provides a richer understanding of your hacker population and can help you make informed decisions about who to invite to a campaign. To view the Collaborators table, click the Submissions by Number of Collaborators chart and scroll down the page to view the table.
Submissions by Severity
Shows how reports are distributed by severity class, as indicated on the report.
Submissions by Weakness
Shows how your reports are spread among the different weakness types. You can view what areas you’re receiving the most valid vulnerabilities in to see which issues your program is most susceptible to.
Submissions by Asset
Shows hacker reports by assets in your asset inventory.
Top Weaknesses by Submission Count
This chart provides an overview of the top weaknesses in your engagement(s). This can help as a baseline for weakness identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts. It can be used to focus application developer training and improve secure coding practices.
Top Reports with Duplicates
This chart shows reports with the highest number of associated duplicate reports (as marked in the inbox). This can help evaluate risk and determine the priority of remediation. In some cases, a report with a high duplicate number should be addressed early, even if it’s not the most severe.