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Report Templates

Ensure you get high-quality reports

Updated over 2 months ago

One of the most important elements of running a successful bug bounty program is ensuring you get high-quality reports. Report templates help to ensure that hackers provide you with all of the information you need to verify and validate the report.

Instead of the report submission form being an empty white box where the hacker has to remember to submit the right details, a report template can prompt them with the details needed.

With report templates, you create a Markdown-powered template, and when a hacker submits a new report, the template is pre-loaded, which can then request certain types of information.

Adding or Editing a Report Template

To add or edit a report template:

  1. Go to your Program Settings > Program > Customization > Submit Report Form.

    Settings: Submit Report Form


  2. (Optional) Choose a sample template in the Sample Templates tab of the Report Templates section.

    Sample templates
    sample template common response menu

  3. Write up a new template or edit a sample template in the Write tab.

  4. Click the Update introduction and template button.


Hackers submitting reports to your program will then be greeted with a pre-populated Issue information box, assuming no report draft has previously been saved.

hacker view - select report template
Hacker view - proof of concept with pre-filled format

The same Markdown-powered template can also be applied to the Impact field. This guides hackers to describe why the issue is important in a format that helps you best prioritize response and remediation.

impact field in report

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