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Hackers: Collaborate with other hackers

Updated over 2 months ago

You can collaborate with other hackers to find vulnerabilities for the programs you’re part of. This allows you and other collaborating hackers to share resources and vulnerability knowledge as you work together to find security issues. Collaborating can help uncover vulnerabilities more effectively than working alone.

If you’re collaborating with other hackers, you can split the bounty amount so that each hacker is rewarded appropriately. In addition, each collaborator on the report will earn reputation points for their contribution. A collaborator needs to accept the collaboration invitation before the report is awarded to gain reputation and bounty.

To let other hackers know that you’re open to collaboration:

  1. Go to your profile’s Settings > Collaboration Settings.

  2. Click the toggle to be ON for each program you’re open to collaborating on. The list of programs that appear will include all private programs you’re a part of and all public programs you’ve submitted a report to.


Once you’ve selected the programs you’re open to collaborating on, the security page of the program will have a Collaborators tab where you can view all of the other hackers that are open to collaborating and be able to contact them so that you can work together.

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